Deguisa’s history

Our identity by Nestor Basterretxea

Nuestra identidad por Nestor Basterretxea

Production capacities

Deguisa has 7,000 m² facilities where there are a production area of pressed refractories, shaped and unshaped refractories, another for the manufacture of precast pieces, a workshop for the manufacture and assembly of mechanical elements, laboratory, offices and general warehouse.

The equipment that configures the production means includes; high intensity mixers, hydraulic presses, drying and cooking ovens that can reach temperatures up to 1,800º c, grinders, blasting machines, recovery mills and a vacuum pitch impregnation plant

taller mecanico operario herramientas
prensa maquinaria deguisa
operario-trabajando proceso fabrica deguisa
operario fabrica proceso desguisa
oficina trabajo deguisa
laboratorio prueba medicion material
laboratorio desguisa medios
horno fabrica almacen desguisa maquina
horno fabrica almacen desguisa
almacen trabajo maquina deguisa
almacen materiales deguisa

Presence of Deguisa in the world


Deguisa anually participates in Research, Development and Innovation projects with the financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), from the European Union, and the Basque Government.

Global management system

The market where Deguisa is present demands strict requirements regarding products and services. To meet these requirements, Deguisa has developed a management system based on the certification of its quality, environmental and occupational health and safety systems in accordance with ISO 9.001, 14.001 and 45.001 standards. Deguisa is committed to a global management system present in all areas and departments of the company. Management system is continuously updated, by the requirements of the standard as a consequence of the improvements carried out internally, always taking into account all the interested parties. The scheme, planning, doing, validating and acting guides the management policy at Deguisa.

DOWNLOAD ISO 9001 - 14001 - 45001 certificates
DOWNLOAD management policy  


Deguisa is an active member of the associations and reference projects within the sectors in which takes part.

Deguisa fulfill the necessary requeriments to be considered as an Innovative SME by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.